1. Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ Youtube
  2. Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ Version
  3. Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ 2017
  4. Dinosaur Game In Dev C 2b 2b Free
  • 20+ Experts have compiled this list of Best Game Development and Programming Course, Tutorial, Training, Class, and Certification available online for 2020. It includes both paid and free resources to help you learn Game Development and Programming and these courses are suitable for beginners, intermediate learners as well as experts.
  • What 'Hello World' is to the console, the 'Bouncing Ball' is to the Graphical User Interface. Nothing fancy, the ball is created via a call to the API function ellipse and then bounced within the confines of the windows form. For the DEV C crowd: Let me know if you find these snippets somewhat.
  • The next code checks whether dinosaur has been airborne long enough so that the dinosaur can come down. This is where the code checks whether there is an obstacle in the way. If the dinosaur didn't crash, then the Arduino updates the lcd and prints the score.

Unless you know how long the game loop will be on every computer, making your sleep a constant is generally bad practice. If you know that you want 2fps, a good way to keep it in line is get the time at the start of the game loop, then at the end, find out the difference, and use that to calculate the amount of time needed to sleep to keep the step the same. E.g, If the loop takes 0.1s,. C Game Tutorial - Dinosaurs Game in Turbo CWith Source Code for Beginner to learn basics of game programming.without using graphics/graphics.h and pointe. The snake game is a very popular one, here is a very simple one written in C using Visual Studio. The code is only 150 line and can be modified in several ways. ///// You want to support my videos? You can browse and buy materials from my Amazon Store with the same price. This way I get a small commission: C How to Program (10th.

The Helicopter Game in C++ is an interesting game/console application designed in the object oriented programming language – C++, with the use of SDL graphics. The game is an excellent example of utilization of C++ programming language in the field of game development. It demonstrates all the basic commands, syntaxes, functions, structures as well as concepts of file handling in C++. Mathcounts national problems pdf.

Though the Helicopter Game in C++ uses SDL graphics, the source code of the game is very simple to understand. I have used comments in each line of code to help you understand each of them better. Also, I have provided the source code of game in C++ project format which consists of eight user defined header files and two Cpp files written for the performance of certain specific task used in the game.

Download Helicopter Game in C++ with Source Code and Program Files


Download Helicopter Game in C++ with Source Code and Program Files


Helicopter Game Project Abstract:

Listed below are some of the main user-defined header files that make up this Helicopter game:

In order to make the source code of Helicopter Hurdle game more user friendly, I have named the user defined header files such that it explains their respective functions. The major header files used in the source code are listed as below:-

  • game_functions.h
  • heli.h
  • loader.h
  • constants.h
  • play.h
  • variable.h
  • window.h
  • obstacle.h

The the Cpp files used in the game are:

  • main.cpp
  • timer.cpp

These all the files included in the source code make the game complete for playing.


The Helicopter game is very simple to start, play and terminate. In order to start the game, you should click at the application file of the game and there comes the game window or the main menu. In the main menu, you will have following options to choose:

  1. Play:- Click at this option to play new session of the Helicopter Game.
  2. Options:- Click at this option for entering the menu setting of the game. From here, you can turn sound on or off.
  3. High Score:- If you want to see the high scores of the game, click at this option.
  4. Instructions:- The option tells you the rules and how to play the game.
  5. Credit:- The option is included to display the name of our engineers who helped to develop this game.
  6. Quit:- If the Helicopter Game is to be terminated without playing, click at this option.


  • The use of SDL graphics and the sound have made the Helicopter Game in C++ more realistic, entertaining and interesting for playing.
  • The options in the game can be chosen with the mouse arrow.
  • In Helicopter Hurdle, you have the facility of turning the sound on or off, and there are many more functions.

In the game, you have to keep the helicopter flying without any collision with the vertical walls or the obstacles in the game. If the helicopter collides with any obstacles, the game is stopped and you will get back to main menu. The more you are able to keep the helicopter flying without collision, the more score you will gain.

In the Helicopter Game in C++, certain keys have been fixed to play the game. The UP ARROW key, lifts the helicopter up or helps to gain the height where as the DOWN ARROW key is for landing the helicopter. If no key is pressed, the helicopter loses its height.


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More Projects in C/C++

You can use this Helicopter Game in C++ as your semester project or you can use it to learn C++ programming language and its different aspects. This game development project will help you to learn and understand using SDL graphics, making .DLL files and loading them, storing the data in an application by creating file on the computer, and many more.

I have tried my best to make the Helicopter Game in C++ bug free but still there may be some errors. So, I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Also, if you have similar Helicopter game developed in C or C++, you can share it with us.

C++ has a long history–a history that started around 45 years ago, with the inception of C. The C language was invented by a man named Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs in 1972.

C++ came about as a “subset” of the C language. It was developed in 1979 by a man named Bjarne Stroustrup, who also worked at Bell Labs.

Both C and C++ are standardized by the International Organization for Standardization, also known by its abbreviation, ISO. In the history of the standardization of C++, only four versions have been approved and published:

  • The first version was ratified in 1998 and was simply known asC++
  • The second version was ratified in 2003 and was informally known asC++03
  • The third version was ratified in 2011, known asC++11
  • The fourth and current (though not for long!) version was ratified in 2014, known asC++14 (see the informal naming pattern?)

The ISO is slated to ratify the fifth version this year, in 2017. They’ call it….C++17. There are already plans for the sixth ratification in 2020.

C++ is a mid-level, object-oriented programming language. It’s fast, commonly used, and can be fairly easy to learn–especially with the resources available these days.

It’s used quite commonly to program video games, as well as other programs like Microsoft Office and Google Chrome.

This guide has assembled a collection of tutorial options, mostly for beginners–you’re bound to find one you like!

1. Learn CPP

LearnCPP.com has “tutorials to help you master C++ and object-oriented programming.” Sounds pretty good, right? After all, that’s…kind of exactly why we’re here…

Anyway, this is a completely free website that walks you through programming in C++. The site explicitly says that no prior programming experience is necessary.

When you visit the site, you’ll find that there are 18 chapters to scroll through, many with 10 or more lessons. They appear to be in the middle of rearranging the order of some of the lessons, but that shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

You’ll want to learn all of this at some point anyway. If you find a lesson isn’t clicking, you can always skip it and go back.

The first chapter, “Chapter 0” is a full-blown introduction to more than just C++. There’s a lesson for using the tutorials, a lesson titled “introduction to programming languages,” a lesson on development, a lesson about common C++ problems, and more.

The database is extensive, which isn’t surprising with a language as old as C++. It does seem well thought out, and there are ample examples to help you stay the course.

2. YouTuber Derek Banas

Derek Banas is a YouTuber who has a single tutorial video on C++ Programming. The idea is that he’ll cover everything you need to know about C++ in a single, one hour and ten-minute video.

The convenience and expediency of “one video for everything” come at a cost: Banas doesn’t take any prisoners.

If you have no programming experience, this is not the video for you.

But, if you’ve had experience with C++ this video could be a great refresher–and you might even learn some new things on the way.

Complete beginners should stay away, those with some experience can give it a shot and see if they can keep up. He shows you the commands and quickly and simply explains why he’s doing what he’s doing, but there’s no coddling.

It’s less like Banas is holding your hand, and more like Banas is sounding his location by snapping his hands in a dark room. If you’re familiar with the room(or C++) it will be a lot easier for you to track his location (or keep up with the tutorial).

3. TutorialsPoint

The C++ tutorials over at Tutorials Point seems pretty solid. The syntax is a little wonky in spots, but not in a way that makes the text-based tutorials hard to understand.

Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ Youtube

It’s a missing article here or there, or an inverted phrasing–the kinds of slipups that come with learning English as a second language, and getting pretty dang close to mastering it.

A neat feature involves the practice examples featured in the tutorials. There’s a “Try It” option in the majority of the C++ example boxes. When you click on that, it brings up an in-browser window with the complete C++ code from the example on top and the executed code on the bottom.

You’re able to delete the code in the top box and input the code from the example yourself. Then you can hit “execute” and the window will run your code, showing you whether or not you input the code correctly. It’s convenient if you aren’t trying to save or compile all of your completed examples.

4. Cprogramming

This website has tutorials for getting started with C and C++. If you’re brand new to C++, the author of the site recommends you buy his ebook, titled “Jumping into C++,” as he claims it’s a more complete tutorial guide than the free tutorial he provides online.

You might want to give the free tutorial a stab before you go dropping money on an ebook. Or go back and check out the LearnCPP tutorial at the beginning of this guide before tapping into the tutorial at Cprogramming.

Aside from covering different C++ topics, the site also has a “practice” section. You can solve practice problems and take quizzes to test your C++ programming knowledge.

The site’s author also built a “resources” section. This has links to source code page, source code snippets page, C++ tips page, and even a “finding a job” page.

Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ Version

All in all, there’s a healthy dose of information available here, and there are some resources outside of the standard tutorials to help you hone your C++ skills. As you become more familiar with C++, give this site a look.

Dinosaur Game In Dev C++ 2017

5. Udemy

Udemy has a free C++ course titled “C++ Tutorial for Complete Beginners.” It’s a course that shows “how to program in the popular (and tricky!) C++ programming language, for complete beginners.”

Enrollment in this course is free. Despite the lack of a price tag, or maybe because of it, it received an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars (from 5,001 ratings). Over 75,800 students have enrolled in the history of this particular course.

Dinosaur Game In Dev C 2b 2b Free

The course assumes only basic computer knowledge. You do need to be computer literate, but you don’t need to have programming experience.

The course creator, John Purcell, calls C++ a tricky language, so he encourages you to bring both your patience and persistence.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to develop C++ programs and even apply to C++ jobs with some potential for success. No guarantees, but this course certainly won’t hurt your chances.

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